Category: Uncategorized

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Unlocking Your Fitness Potential: The Power of Personalized Coaching

Introduction: Imagine you’re a superhero in a movie, preparing for the final battle. It would help to have a special suit tailored to enhance your unique musculature and strengths and protect against your weaknesses. Now, think of your fitness journey. Isn’t it like a superhero movie?  You need a fitness plan designed just for you […]

Online personal training sessions during sunset at the beach

Core Training Carnival (Part 1): More than just 6 pack abs!

In the fitness industry, “core training” has been a buzzword, often linked to the desire for a flat stomach. Thanks to some celebrity coaches, it became a lucrative business, capitalizing on the desire for sculpted abs. We’ve all seen those enticing ads promising a flat stomach in 30 days or celebrities boasting about doing thousands […]