Online Personal Training


Muscle Layman’s Personal training assists you in surpassing your physical and mental obstacles, resulting in an immensely gratifying training journey. Additionally, our premium personal training service offers exceptional one-to-one coaching and instruction, with live exercise demonstrations, precise cueing, and immediate movement feedback to guarantee optimal and accurate exercise execution.


Personal training sessions
  1. High-Quality Coaching and Education
  2. Visual and Movement Cueing
  3. Real-time feedback
Personalised Program
  1. Resistance training program
  2. Endurance program for off days
  3. Recovery work suggestions
  4. Enhance your knowledge with our educational resource, the Muscle Layman's Exercise Handbook.
Nutrition Program
  1. Get a personalised nutrition plan that aligns with your lifestyle and physique goals.
  2. Receive a quantified plan customised to your eating preferences, whether ketogenic, paleo, or high-protein.
  3. Enhance your knowledge with our educational resource, the Muscle Layman's Nutrition Handbook.</li
Supplement Recommendations
  1. Receive science-backed recommendations to improve daily performance and personalised guidance for overall health and wellness.
  2. Quarterly review of blood tests to identify and address nutrient deficiencies.


  1. Fitness assessment: The assessment forms the basis of your exercise program. And it is performed to understand your current fitness level and limitations in performing movements necessary for daily function. Additionally, the scope of the assessment is subjective to your goal and current physical abilities.

  2. Program Design: The program considers the learnings from the assessments and factors crucial to the execution, such as training environment, equipment availability, training days and time at hand. The program is revised considering your training performance and adherence to the schedule.

  3. Execution: Twelve to fifteen resistance training sessions are spread across the month, with typically three to four resistance training sessions per week. The sessions are guided to ensure safety and efficiency, with goal attainment on the frontline.

Pricing for Premium Personal Training is from 2,000/- to 2,500/- INR per session

Contact us to get the customized package