Fat Loss Workout Plans and Diets For Your Body Type

Fitness Training at Muscle Layman

If you are planning to shed those extra kilos this summer, you must have done your fair share of research about different weight loss plans, exercises, and diets. And yet, with so many options available across the internet, it isn’t easy to find one which is most suitable for your lifestyle and time availability. Do not worry, for we have got you covered!

Fat loss workout plans are not as complicated and expensive as they seem. With so many choices online, you can find one that is perfect for your body. However, one must remember that simply working out is not enough if you are going to binge on pizzas and burgers later in the day. A proper diet plan must be followed with your exercise regime for the best results in a healthy and sustainable way. 

Fat Loss Workout Plans 

Most people, especially women, undertake fat loss workout plans to lose those stubborn layers of fat. There are several different routines one can undertake to achieve a healthy, well-toned body while also building up some muscles. As every individual has a unique lifestyle, these can be altered accordingly. 

The 4-week workout plan is a popular choice amongst many. While achieving fitness can be challenging, it is not an instant transformation but an ongoing journey towards a better lifestyle. These 1-month challenges are a stepping stone to help you adopt a better lifestyle including actions like drinking water regularly, increasing physical activity, improving your eating and sleeping pattern, etc. Setting up realistic and achievable challenges like a 4-week workout plan can motivate you to work further due to instant gratification. Once these short-term goals are achieved, the long-term goals can also be set ahead. 

The aim of these fat loss workout plans for females is to combine traditional strength training methods done in circuit formats which helps us do more in less time. We have suggested 4 circuits here with a 2 minutes break between each circuit. Workout plans can be tailored and customized, depending on each individual’s limits.

Here is an example of a similar training format –

Circuit 1 – 2 Rounds Plank – 60 seconds
Goblet Squat – 15
Overhead Press – 15
Circuit 2 – 2 Rounds Side Plank – 30 seconds each side
Reverse Lunge – 15
Floor Chest Press – 15
Circuit 3 – 2 Rounds Hanging Knee to Chest – 15
Romanian Deadlift (Hinge) – 15
Bent Over Rows – 15
Circuit 4 – 2 RoundsJump Rope – 100 
High Knees – 50
Burpees – 15

Initially, you may find it difficult to complete all 4 sets at one go. You can take rest in between sets. Gradually, as you build the stamina and strength, the rest duration can be minimized. While it is good to push yourself, do not be too hard on yourself. It’s wise to take one step at a time and enjoy the process. 

The best part about these regimes is that they do not require any gym equipment. You can undertake these fat loss workout plans at home itself and enjoy your healthier body in the comfort of your home.

For all the beginners out there, it is always best to seek professional help from a qualified coach before you stick to a workout plan. You can also use these tips to make your workout plan healthier.

  • Make up for the fluid loss  

As you begin exercising earnestly, you also end up sweating and losing considerable amounts of water during your workout. You make up for this water loss by drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day. Avoid juices, sports drinks, and sodas and instead make up your fluid content with water, coconut water, fresh mint lemonade, green tea, black tea, and other healthy drinks. 

  • Set achievable goals 

Do not aim to lose 10 kilos in a week or 20 kilos in a month. Set goals that are achievable so that you are not left disappointed at the end of your workout regime. Lose weight slowly and healthily, and do not fall victim to overnight weight-loss scams. 

  • Sleep and stress 

If you choose to workout heavily during the day and compromise on sleep at night, you are adding an unbelievably large amount of stress to your body. Too much stress and poor sleep can actually result in weight gain instead of the intended weight loss.

  • Moderation  

Too much or too little of anything is not good for your body. Moderation is the key to ensuring healthy weight loss. If you are starting out, do not take on a very heavy workout plan and combine it with a very strict diet regime. Opt for sustainable plans that do not harm your body.

Diet Plans for Fat Loss

When deciding on a diet plan for your fat loss phase, always look for adherence and sustainability. They are the most important qualities in the fat loss phase; if you cannot adhere to something long enough to see visible change, it will simply push you away from your goal. So do not choose something that’s fancy or because you know someone who got great results using the same plan. We all have our individual journeys and we need to find our own way.

However there are 4 basic guidelines to be followed that help design the perfect diet plan to complement your exercise routine. 

  • Determine the number of calories (energy) you need every day 

This step depends largely on the number of calories you burn every day. You can use our online calculator to get your calorie needs based on your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. This helps you conclude the minimum number of calories you need to consume daily. Of course, if you are also following an aggressive workout regime, you may incorporate a few more calories. However, you must make sure to avoid empty calories. 

  • Determine your calorie breakdown into 3 macronutrients

The next step is to figure out how much of your calories should consist of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In a balanced diet for active young and middle-aged adults (men & women) 40% of the total calories should come from first-class protein-rich foods, 30 to 40% from simple and complex carbohydrates rich in fiber, and the remaining 20% from healthy fats including a mixture of saturated (ghee, butter, cheese, coconut oil), monounsaturated (nuts, avocado, nut butter, olive, and avocado oil) and polyunsaturated fats mainly from Omega 3 oils (flaxseed and fish oil). The micronutrient and mineral requirements should also be fulfilled. 

  • Create a meal plan by planning food in advance

Now that you have your number of calories and their breakdown, the next step is to create a meal plan of exactly what you will be consuming. The best way to do so is by putting down food names that fit within your calorie count and type and consuming that meal every day. 

We always try to look more variety with our food. In that case, find alternatives for all the foods you have decided to consume during your research. Anytime you get tired of your usual meal, swap it with foods similar in calories and type. Also, determine the time and number of meals you will be consuming daily.

Remember to avoid empty calories, processed and pre-packaged foods. Try your best not to exceed the calorie count by more than 50 calories per day.

  • Adjust according to your body’s needs

Meal plans and workout plans all vary depending on your body’s needs. The plans you choose may not suit your body, and you may have to change to another plan. The right plan ensures that you do not lose weight too quickly or even too slowly. Therefore, always undergo a little trial and error before starting any plan. If your body adjusts to the plan after a few days, you can be rest assured you have chosen the right plan!

Having a workout and diet plan is essential for healthy fat loss. With Muscle Layman, you can enjoy personalized nutrition plans and exercise regimes. The unique Tribe Training and DIY Lifestyle consult allow you to mix both education and training of your body.

Enjoy fat loss workout plans that are completely sustainable, healthy, and 100% effective.

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